Tallinn! Oh, how we love Tallinn!

Rainy Talinn. We couldn't get to the apartment rental because of the storm.

Rainy Talinn. We couldn’t get to the apartment rental because of the storm.

So, you remember our trek to our apt in Tallinn, yes? Uphill…rain…heavy bags… At one point, the rain became so torrential, we had to stop to let it pass. We happened to stop at a large deck area with tables, chairs, and large umbrellas. There was a group of three girls sitting and drinking and giggling at us. The waiter walked over and started chatting with us. He offered for us to put our bags down and something to drink while we waiting, but those darn bags are such a pain to get

The clock, cobbled stones

The clock, cobblestone streets

on that we opted to just stand and wait for the rain to pass. The waiter was very kind. He told us about Tallinn, where to eat and where to avoid, where the cheaper grocery store was versus the closer inflated one, and he pointed out some of the highlights of the old town. We waited for about 10 minutes and once the rain had died down to where it was once again manageable, we continued on. We had a moment of frustration when we arrived. We were staying at a small apartment complex, and were told that our host would meet us. Because of the rain, we were about 20 min late, and we didn’t have internet to text or call him. Javier started talking to people coming and going. We’ve since decided that Javier shouldn’t speak to women. They either freak out, or just flat out ignore him. Finally, a man and his family entered. Javier asked if he knew our host, which he did not since he had only recently began renting at this place. BUT! He was so nice, he offered to let us use his phone to call our host! As Javier was dialing, in walks our host who apologized for being late, something about the police…I don’t know.



Our place was really neat. It felt like we were living in a cave complete with buckskin rug. During the medieval ages there was a stone wall that separated the old city from the new. The apartment was built to incorporate this wall, such that the wall behind the bed was part of the original “old wall.” It felt like something from the Madonna Inn. After wringing ourselves out and changing clothes, we headed in the direction of the town square and

Tallinn at night

Tallinn at night

went from there. Old Tallinn really feels like an old medieval town with its narrow, meandering, cobblestone streets that sometimes connect via arched walkways through the buildings. We went back to our friend who let us borrow his shelter and had dinner on the deck, under the same umbrella that sheltered us earlier.

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First morning in Tallinn…FREE TOUR! Now this was the BEST free tour we’ve been on. Our tour guide was this girl…I forget her name, she is a college student and truly hilarious. She poked a lot of fun at the history of Tallinn and all the different countries that have tried, as well as succeeded, in ruling Tallinn over the centuries. As always, the tour was informative and entertaining. We were able to see the highlights, and gained a better understanding of the layout of the city.

Marzipan painting.

Marzipan painting.

The next few days were spent looking for the perfect souvenirs, getting drenched in the rain, watching the marzipan artist paint her little marzipan sculptures at the chocolate factory, eating some absolutely delicious food at a place called “Grandma’s Kitchen,” which looked vaguely similar to the babushka’s home in St. Petersburg, watching a Manchester City soccer game at the local pub, taking numerous pictures, and relaxing and watching Family Guy 🙂

Overall, we were really impressed by Tallinn. It looked like something out of a storybook. We only saw the old town, as it was small, yet full of surprises. It allowed us to let our curiosities take us from place to place, but still have plenty of time to relax. And we needed the recharge, as our next destination was not only going to be another quick trip, but one that was sure to be mentally and emotionally exhausting.

Next stop…Krakow, Poland.

For more pictures of Tallinn, click HERE.

4 thoughts on “Tallinn! Oh, how we love Tallinn!

  1. I’m enjoying your travel blog a lot. Getting to live vicariously thru you. Travel is one of my first loves… It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen JAVIER…. years in fact.and Jackie I’ve never met except thru your blog. But one thing is glaringly obvious and that is that you 2 were made for each other! Long May you travel… And take us along on this journey. I don’t have your itinerary so it will be a surprise. Stay safe and soak it all in…..your lives are being enriched for all your remaining years.

    • Thanks Maryann, We don’t have an itinerary… We kind of have an idea of the route we want to take, but no set rules. We take in consideration the seasons and weather. Thanks for reading the blog. You can visit the Homepage to see which cities we will be visiting. And when we get back, I’ll make sure you get to meet Jackie in person. HUGS, and take care.

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